Judi Diamond can be heard every weekday morning on 103.3 KLOU.Full Bio
Just For The Hack of It! (New Feature on Billy & Judi)
By Judi Diamond
1 If you're having trouble staying awake in class / at a meeting, see how long you can keep one of your feet lifted slightly off the ground.
2. Need to divide something fairly between two kids?Have one divide it, then give the other first pick.
3."If your ring gets stuck on your finger, Windex will slide it right off. Worked at a jewelry store for five plus years.
4."If your car is overheating, turn your heat on full blast. When you turn the heat on in a car, it pulls heat from the engine into the cab, thus cooling the engine."
5.Easily peel a boiled egg: Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water and eggshells will come off effortlessly.
6. Running out of food bag clips? Easily peel a boiled egg: Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water and eggshells will come off effortlessly
7. Keep your Takeout HOT! When you bring your takeout food home, turn on your seat warmer to keep it hot on the drive home.