Gift Exchange Good or Bad Idea, Billy's Un-happy With New Family Tactic

Family Gift Exchange changes is making Billy a Grinch! But is he right? Are Family Gift Exchanges not a good idea anymore? Or are they a way to continue traditions and forge family memories?

Old & Stale Or Good Still:  Family Gift Exchanges

What are your thoughts? Post your comments and lets keep the convo going. As you heard. Judi never did gift exchanges with her family, only work gift exchanges.

They celebrated both Hanukah and Christmas, so for Hanukah they'd play the Driedel game for "Elephant" gifts, which was so much fun! For Christmas, the cousins would all exchange gifts but not so much the grown ups and no names were drawn. You just bought for your nieces and nephews. It's not as much now that we've all grown in different directions it's hard to get together. But she still feels like she gets too much from her brother for her kids and can't spend as much as him, so that's a whole different topic! lol - Judi

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