The Ghost That Followed His Family Move!

Billy moved into a new house with he and his family over the summer, just a few short blocks from his old house, which he said he felt had a ghost. Now he and his wife Melissa believe the ghost moved with them! Listen:

Ghost Follows Family After Move!

So what do you think? 100% of the callers (many we weren't able to get on the show) totally believe not just in the supernatural, but most definitely that ghosts CAN indeed travel WITH you! Are you freaked out? US TOO!

Got a Ghost story, share it in the comments. Also on todays Podcast you'll catch up with Google Buster Q/A, Play along Border Battle Missouri vs. Illinois, and find out all the top News you Need with Billy and The Top Trends in The Juice With Judi! Thanks for your ears! - Judi

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