The true story of the short “Live in Jamaica” broadcasting fam trip with. Billy & Judi 103.3 KLOU is here! Check out the trailer and your chance to win a trip to Jamaica! FIRST, take a look at the trailer, then more info to follow!
Coming soon to a small or large screen near you, you’ll get a glimpse behind what it was like to broadcast live the Billy & Judi Morning Show from the beautiful Jamaica beaches at Sandal’s South Coast. Was it as serene as you thought? It was work, after all, right? The point is, you’ll want to watch all the upcoming episodes and you’ll also find out how you can win a NON-working vacation at the same beautiful Sandals Resort in Jamaica!
#AD #SandalsResorts #SandalsSouthCoast #VisitJamaica #Vacation #Billy&Judi #iHeartJamaica