Awkward & Embarrassed In Gym Class - The HILARIOUS story & More!

There was the time that Judi was at a high school basketball game and took a tumble from the top of the bleachers, stopped the game - Awkward! Wait until you hear Billy's story and some of the funniest of our Billy&Judi listeners! AND More funny stories, but this time from our pets! Billy's dog could only do his "doody" (#1 or #2) if he was staring straight into Billy's eyes! Judi had a Short-haired pointer rescue dog that when there was a full moon would howl like it thought it was a coyote! (Judi thinks it must've been in another life! lol). When you here what this one caller's pet was AND what it did, you'll be going "huh"? - Judi

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