Our very own Tight Pants had a chance to hang out at Ultimate Ninjas St. Louis this week as they held a free play for kids to get ready for the Conquer Youth Young Lions' race on June 15th. It's an epic 1 mile course featuring 10 crazy fun obstacles! Ages 5 through 17 are welcome!
Conquer Youth™ is the nation’s #1 Youth Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course Family! Young Lions OCR™ is our EPIC ninja warrior style obstacle course event for youth ages 5-17. Run, jump, crawl, climb, and swing through our amazingly fun and challenging obstacles. Each course will be around 1 mile long and feature 10 signature Conquer Youth™ obstacles.
Register now at ConquerYouth.com
Visit the official Ninja gym of Conquer Youth, Ultimate Ninjas! There is no better place to train before the race. Stop by for open gym and get 2 hours of training for only $12! Ultimate Ninjas is located at 140 Long Rd Suite 130, Chesterfield, MO 63005.
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