Is It Instinct or Impulse? When To Not Trust Your Gut!

Justifiably Judi Podcast Show presents a "Meditations & Contemplations: Is it Instinct Or Impulse?"

Listen to Judi's good friend Pamela, spiritually educated in religion and metaphysics answer the question when do you trust your gut and when is simply just an Impulse? Pamela's insights definitely will make you think! AND she tells the most beautiful story of how she experienced the "Gift of Homelessness" and how it changed her life. You will be inspired! My gut, tells me so! :) - judi

I had to ask her, did I follow an impulse and not my true "gut" when I bought a condo in Rockford? I did it so fast, because I was miserable living in an apartment and mortgage was cheaper than rent! BUT was I being my usual Impulsive self ? Four months after the condo buy, I received the honor of being offered a job with iHeart Media, and come back to St. Louis. Definitely KNEW to follow my gut for that one! But, the condo? Perhaps that was more the "impetuous Judi" since it's been nothing but a headache and I can't sell it! Pamela had the answers and made me feel better! Thoughts?

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