When I logged on to Twitter this morning I noticed that Harrison Ford was trending and I'm not going to lie, I paused for a second, the natural fear set in, what happened to Harrison Ford?! But, he's trending today for a positive reason, to celebrate his 78th birthday. He was born July 13, 1942 in Chicago, IL. Happy Birthday Mr. Ford. In honor of his birthday, here is my own, personal top ten favorite Harrison Ford movies. Full disclosure, there are a few I haven't seen like American Graffiti, Apocalypse Now and the new Call of the Wild. I know... they are on my watch list. I loved all of the Star Wars Movies and all of the Indiana Jones movies, even the new versions. I have watched them all multiple times. What are your favorites? Share them in the comments. Also, check out the Vanity Fair YouTube video below where Harrison Ford breaks down his career. Did you know Tom Selleck was first cast in Raiders of the Lost Ark? What!? I can see it, but I'm really glad it was Harrison Ford in the end.
- Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
- The Fugitive
- Indiana Jones
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Working Girl
- Presumed Innocent
- Regarding Henry
- Witness
- What Lies Beneath
- Sabrina