Embarrassing Games We Admit To Playing

On our 2.19.20 episode of Billy & Judi, You will never guess (Until you hear) THE game that Billy is embarrassingly addicted too!

Remember "Mall Madness"? Mindy and Judi both do and that game is STILL being sold, although it's changed a bit. How about "Dream Date"? Some of the games embarrassingly enough or not, we loved and played!

Some of the new games that my son, Leo has turned me on to is "Code Name" which is a GREAT game, but you have to have four players. He also plays Scattegories and Uno with groups of friends. He is definitely a GEN Z, and he and his friends all want to have experiences of getting together and having game nights.

So why not do it as a family too? It's time to get back to face to face games. Even a simple game of Jinga can bring friends and families together!

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